Information Management Lab
At IM (Information Management) lab, we study the state-of-the-art problems pertaining to the development and innovative application of the current and next generation information processing & management technologies, and also incubate new services and businesses that can be enabled by those technologies in order to optimize various industrial data systems as well as to innovate information service experiences.
Our research approaches can be collectively characterized as information management which draws upon methodologies from diverse areas such as operations research, probability & statistics, computer & information science. In particular, machine learning, data mining, and information retrieval are techniques frequently used among those. Currently our research efforts are focused on Predictive AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Generative AI areas, each of which further includes specific topics as follows.
• Predictive AI (pAI): Time Series Analysis, Automated Trading & Forecasting
• Generative AI (gAI) : Chord & Melody Generation, Multi-Modal Models & Music Transcription
At IM lab, the significance and impact of the developed results are highly emphasized so that they can be successfully commercialized, patented, or published. As a result, graduates of IM Lab will be able to excel in technology, business, and development in the fields of application of artificial intelligence.